Wednesday, February 11, 2009

3, 2, 1...GO!

For the past three years (my how they seem like longer than three!), I have been intensively training in the printing industry in preparation for a career in sales. I was recruited by Consolidated Graphics for their Leadership Development Program during my senior year of college as a Graphic Design major. The three-phased program involves spending time out in production (bindery, press room, shipping, fulfillment), management (planning, estimating), and finally sales (sales!).
Why, might you ask, would you devote three years of your life to learning every intricacy of the printing industry?? Great question, and the answer is: I'm crazy! No really, my passion is coming alongside other people and helping them solve their problems and to make their lives easier. I guess you could say this is a great medium for that. Having an extensive knowledge of both the graphic design industry and printing industry allows me to be a link that is, quite often, missing from the puzzle. All too often, the lingo gets messed-up, communication gets confusing, and people get frustrated. I'd like to say that I do a pretty dang good job of being upfront and honest with clients, and being a resource for them.
As a rookie in the sales biz, I'm hoping this blog will be a constructive forum for me to share the ups, downs, and in-betweens of my foray into the world of printing sales. Please feel free to leave any comments and I appreciate any advice you would have to give!

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